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Book Details :
Published on: 2016-04-02
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Original language: English
I Leif Wilhelmsen - met God and Jesus and got salvation 8th of July 1983 at an Airport. I became a Pentecostal Christian in 1984 - and Baptised into Pentecostal Church: Betel the 20th of September 1987 and baptized in Holy Spirit. To get Salvation from Jesus my King and Master is the biggest happening in my life and always will be. Know that the Bible is to 100% the truth - our bible not the catholic bible - but King James Bible is God's words the sum of them to human kind and is Holy and the complete truth from beginning to end of the Holy Bible. THE SALVATION FROM JESUS CHRIST IS THE BIGGEST HAPPENING IN POSITIVE REMARK IN MY LIFE AS A WHOLE. I became baptized in Betel Pentecostal meeting 20th of September 1987. In 1981-1982 - 21 years old I went to a Christian Agricultural School to become a farmer - and I worked at a farm after that in 1981-1982 - it was hard work it was 18 hours a day - but after two months there at the farm I begun to work in the forrest - and at midsummer 1983 I was offer for a serious accident in the stairs I fell down while I was very tired after hard work in the forrest the stairs at my father's house - luckely my father was at home and he phoned after doctor and I was brought to the hospital it was very serious I was wounded - and I became clinically dead in 1983. I became clinically dead as I mention and met God and Jesus. And was of mercy given salvation and reborn on the 8th of July 1983 on Airport on my way Hospital where I should be transported to the department that healed damages I still had on the body - but had until then from the 24th of June been at a Main Hospital fore operation - big operation it was and very difficult but very good doctors and they managed against all odds. - but I even became declared dead but was clinically dead - and was in the death - and met God and Jesus there among other things that did happen - saw my life as on a TV-Screen pass by at first the last that happened was that both God and Jesus were there and they said: "What shall we do with Leif" It was said more then once. Then all of a sudden I was back to life in the hospital bed I am a Christian since 8th of July 1983. I do not believe that God and Jesus exists and rules - I do KNOW it. I have met them both personally in my spirit in contact with The Holy Spirit. THE SALVATION OF 8TH OF JULY 1983 THE GREATEST HAPPENING IN MY LIFE AS A WHOLE - BUT ALL HOLY SPIRITS WORK AND THEREBY JESUS WORK AND HIS IS ALL THE HONOR - HE WHO HAS ALL POWER IN HEAVEN AND ON EARTH! This book is my peronal experinces about Christianity as belief but in my experience Christianity is not a belief at all – it is even written Bible itself it is the case not needed belief in whether God and Jesus is the truth it is really easy doing to get to know that not believe at all – but know. But what then belief It is what is told: Believe in Christ and his salvation doing on other word what he himself and Bible tells is truth every setting of it – that itself is really Christian belief – really no big case to know that God and Jesus do exist – not difficult doing at all it is – with setting I do end this spelling and this way the book itself do begin. About Christianity and Living the Christian Life Are you a Christian seeking help in your walk of faith? 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